Why Ayurvedic Massage Oils Are Perfect for Pain Relief

body massage oil pain relief

There are times in life when we are troubled by throbbing pain that makes it hard to conduct daily activities. In such instances, we are actively on the lookout for lasting solutions. One of the best options is finding body massage oil pain relief options. This is the ultimate way of reducing pain incidences.

From knee pain to back pain to joint pain to headaches, pain is common in human life. In the past, joint pain was attributed to old age. However, with the sedentary lifestyles most people are leading, it has become more common.

Pain management in Ayurveda

Ayurveda’s focus is restoring body balance ensuring the body functions as it should. There are various forms of oil massage and they are often done based on the predominance of the doshas as well as vitiation extent of the tissue elements. The techniques used include udvarthanam where powder is used for massage. Sometimes, the powder can be mixed with oil to make it easier to apply in a technique called Utsadana.

Massaging your body when you are experiencing pain improves circulation in those areas. This leads to relief and reduced inflammation. It also acts by activating temperature and tactile sensations in dermatomes. This in turn triggers the associated nerve fibers thereby lowering pain sensations.

Using stress relief massage oil on the body stimulates Tiryak Vaha Dhamani, which is found on the hair follicle pores. Once the medicated oil infuses through the small pores, it reduces vata entities in the body. It also helps normalize Vata dosha due to the warmth making it highly beneficial for pain relief.

How ayurvedic massages for pain are conducted

Body massage targeting pain relief is best left to professionals. The massage technique has to do with the stimulation of the pressure points on the body. The main thing is to relieve Vata dosha and lower pain. This can be done for about 45 minutes covering the entire body. When you are targeting only one part of the body, the massage may take a shorter time.

When dealing with body pain, don’t settle for general oil. You need to find the right technique and oil type for favorable results. Pizhichil, for instance, is the best option for pain while mardana is ideal for the mildly inflamed state. If there is severe damage to working muscles, then you need pada mardana. Here are some ayurvedic massages to consider:


This is widely practiced and involves the use of herb-infused warm stress relief oil. Friction-based massage helps improve circulation. This ends up boosting immune function and relieving stiffness.


In this technique, herbal oils are combined with vibrations from singing bowls to boost relaxation. This is essentially sound therapy. This releases the feel-good hormones, which are a natural pain reliever.


This involves two therapists pouring warm oil on your body. It is a great relaxation technique that can be used for pain relief.


This massage targets muscle spasms, inflammation, and joint pain. Normally, a muslin bag is filled with herbs that are then dipped in oil. This is then applied to problematic areas with discomfort and pain.


In this method, Minimal oil is used and slow strikes are applied. They help release tension that is deep-seated within the body. This means muscle adhesions are broken and detoxification initiated. If you are looking for muscle pain relief and intense relaxation, this is the solution for you.

Odyssey treatment

Typically, this combines different techniques and needs two people to complete. It starts with exfoliation using dry globes. Abhyanga is next in line followed by Vishesh deep strokes. To complete the cycle, marma therapy is applied to restore harmony and balance.

Bottom line

Applying the right stress relief massage oil makes a big difference. Embracing this type of treatment helps balance the body and does more than relieve pain. It is the ideal way of initiating relaxation, detoxifying the body, improving circulation, and boosting your emotional health.

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